Friday, April 30, 2010
Ok, benda yg paling student AD malas, menggelabah, takut & sbagainya nk hadap adalah FINAL ASESSMENT. tanyala smua student AD. Everyone will definitely say YES! ketakutan nk asess lg takut dr nk exam paper ni...even paper yg paling susah pun xsetakut nk asess...ok, for u guys yg xtau, utk final asessment utk student fashion. kitorg kene present & submit semua work2 fashion yg kitorg buat spjg sem SERENTAK ok. means, if ade 4subjek, empat2 la kene present serentak. Tp sem ni luckily xde fashion ilustration so, utk final asessment ni kene submint pattern (kemeja & skirt) & design. Utk design sem ni kitorg part 2 dpt theme street wear & inspiration ade 3 : animal, insects or marine life. I chose animal: GIRAFFE. Why giraffe?? smua org mcm pelik dgn my inspiration, mcm kelakar kan buat giraffe? xganas lansung. haha. i have no answer for that too. Actually at first nk ambik spider, tp mcm dh common sgt, then igt nk buat hornbill tp xtau nk develop idea. last2 terfikir giraffe then bila pgi survey2 kain terpandang kain tu sebijik giraffe prints, seketul2 atas kain. haha so ape lagi..mmg dgn confident buat giraffe! as simple as that.
Dan sudah pasti, i akan mengalami masalah when it comes to the development of idea, honestly, im not really good in design. Maybe im good with mix & match thingy, but not in design. Bila kita sebut FASHION DESIGN, rasa mcm mudah..mcm bila buat, oh its not that easy... *sigh*...sgt tough! but whatever it is, its my choice to jump into this course, so ill take it as a challenge. ..& finally my final design is almost done. tinggal jahit lengan..& of course my design tidaklah hebat nk dibandingkan dgn idea2 briliiant classmate i yg lain and i bet my design is the simplest among my coursemate i think. tersangat2 simple....ini je yg termampu i buat. hopefully next sem ill be better. Amin. (finger crossed) hehe so, for u guys out there, wait for my next post okay? im thinking of posting all the final work from my classmate too. Some of their design are just SUPERB!! Can't wait?? so BE MY GUEST. Until we meet again. Take care & dream BIG! =)
Sunday, April 11, 2010
i don't have much time to write
I am too busy with loads of work to be done. So i don't have much time to write. Will be back soon.
Take care readers! =)
Take care readers! =)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Color time.
okay. bgn2 harini terus mengadap assignment color theory. Color theory ni i study pasal color, details in theory. Task die mcm mewarna masa tadika dulu. Nampak senang tp x semudah yg kita buat masa tadika dulu..hehe sbb its more to theory. Everything kena tau from a to z. kena tau jenis2 color, kena tau ape tu primary, secondary, tertiary, complimentary, intermediate color. Apart from that kene jugak study pasal color & emotion, color & harmony & bla bla bla..byk lagi. Sounds easy right? but when it comes to task. Oh Em Ji, sgt rumit & memerlukan tahap kesabaran yg tinggi. Im actually bkn seorg yg penyabar. Even my lecturer pun dh masak sgt dgn prangai i. haha sory Mr. Syuk, whatever it is u are my best teacher i evr had! trima kasih atas segala ilmu & kesabaran mengajar saya yg sgt malas & degil. I owe u a lot! Semoga Allah membalas jasa baikmu. =)
Whatever it is, tadi time tgh dok menghabiskan task2 color ni, then rasa penat pulak, so i stop for a while and apa lagi online facebook lah! haha lucky me, tetiba online teringat pulak nk chat dgn my clasmate zana nk tanya pasal task ni die dh siap ke belom. then di bgtau yg clas harini cancelled! wah im happy!!! haha bkn happy sbb xsuka nk pgi clas ni, tp happy sbb keje xsiap lg..kalau pgi clas confirm la Mr. Syuk marah lagi..asyik2 muka i yg xsiap keje..haha. whatever it is, nah kt bawah ni some pictures, byk kan colors? haha. lets playing with colors!!! =p




Ok, lpasni sbb dh xde class, nk siap ke bengkel menjahit kemeja yg entah bila kan siap?Oh Em Ji! lpastu nk kene pgi jumpa my photo lecturer, lpastu APE LAGI?? Dgr study fashion design mcm fun je kan? but its actually tough!! Too tough!!! ok. enough for now. Nti ada free time, ill share something fun with u guys. Lets GET BACK TO WORK!!! =)
Whatever it is, tadi time tgh dok menghabiskan task2 color ni, then rasa penat pulak, so i stop for a while and apa lagi online facebook lah! haha lucky me, tetiba online teringat pulak nk chat dgn my clasmate zana nk tanya pasal task ni die dh siap ke belom. then di bgtau yg clas harini cancelled! wah im happy!!! haha bkn happy sbb xsuka nk pgi clas ni, tp happy sbb keje xsiap lg..kalau pgi clas confirm la Mr. Syuk marah lagi..asyik2 muka i yg xsiap keje..haha. whatever it is, nah kt bawah ni some pictures, byk kan colors? haha. lets playing with colors!!! =p
Ok, lpasni sbb dh xde class, nk siap ke bengkel menjahit kemeja yg entah bila kan siap?Oh Em Ji! lpastu nk kene pgi jumpa my photo lecturer, lpastu APE LAGI?? Dgr study fashion design mcm fun je kan? but its actually tough!! Too tough!!! ok. enough for now. Nti ada free time, ill share something fun with u guys. Lets GET BACK TO WORK!!! =)
Monday, April 5, 2010
taking my baby to shower.
Assalammualaikum. hello readers! Im back! haha. rajinnye hari2 update blog..kalau rajin study mcm ni kan bagus. well, hopefully i will. But 1 thing i wana share with u guys, actually seronok jugak ade personal blog ni kan? heee...i guess ramai yg dh tau..maybe i yg agak terlambat nk sedar keseronokan menulis blog ni.. =p
ape yg seronok tu bkn ape. Just, dgn menulis blog psl daily life akan buat kita lebih alert.. i mean if before ni sehari2 masa i terbuang mcmtu je, but now i am more alert. Pgi mana2 pun snap pic, then stiasa memorize ape yg nk tulis n cerita kt dlm blog ni so at the same time, sedar x sedar, i am actually appreciate every moment of my life..then, bila kita start menulis, kita mesti nk cari something fun & useful utk kita post kan? xkan nk tulis merepek, mencarut je..hahaa
so, dari situ kita pun akan start spending our time with more fun & useful things to do..xdela tido buang masa je...mcm2 lagilah..i am so happy to write! sbnarnye dh lama nk buat personal tulah,..belum sampai masa lagi..but now, i am writing! yeah baby yeah!! =)
ok..harini lpas class trus balik rumah..luckily harini xde test..postponed nextweek ..huhhh what a big relief! td xstudy ape2..hehe! smpi je kt bawah rumah ade org text nk beli dress, so trusla naik rumah packing dress tu then kluar balik nk pgi pos...oh, gigih x saya? xkisahla as long as my customer happy! =) lpas pgi pos brg, pgi bawak my baby snowy pgi shower...sian die..dh bminggu2 xbasuh dh comot2 die..haha! then last but not least, pgi drive thru mcD lagi!!! gila kan hari2 mkn mcD? muka pun dh jadik sbb dh mls nk pegi kedai mkn or whatever, drive thru jelah..nk masak?? so long! malas! haaha
Nah, sedikit gambar for today. Sorry gmbr xclear, snap guna reflection cermin je. kata blajar foto? haha padahal malas nk set self timer. Next time i will ok.



gmbr pun tak rotate! =p
im wearing Blue leopard jacket from My Fashion's Closet.
Stil available, so go get it!! =D

See, how happy she looks? i mean "my snowy".haha
nama die actually snow white. tp mcm pjg sgt. so jadila
my baby snowy. gedik kan? gedik pun gediklah! =p
BTW, what i wanna share with u guys today is some fashion opinion. Just an OPINION ok. If u guys rasa u guys xtau nk berfesyen, then the right thing u have to do is doing a lot of research. Xkira la ape bentuk research, thru magazine ke, fashion web ke or even tv series & film pun blh membantu. & ofcourse, practice make perfect. If we wanna be fashionable, kita kena berani mencuba. some people i met, they said "aku teringin nk pakai macam ni..macam tu..n macam2 la..tapi takut xkene, seganlah!" how?? kalau segan, xdapatla nk jadi fashionista! hehe.
i pun xdela pndai nk berfesyen sgt. but this based from my previous experience which is i mmg gila fashion. (that's y im taking degree in Fashion Design) tapi seriously dulu i penah jadi fashion victim. U guys tau x ape tu fashion victim? for me, fashion victim ni org yg sgt suka berfesyen tapi dia sendiri taktau how to look or be fashionable. they don't have the right term to describe it. Some says if u wanna look fashionable go for big brand, Prada, Gucci, Channel, LV and bla bla bla..or for teenagers, brand yg sgt hot is GUESS, i guess? hehe & some other brand like Armani Exchange, CK or even Topshop, MNG, Zara,Dorothy Perkins, Forever21 & so on...Yes, pakai brg branded will bulid up our confidence level. tp x semestinya pakai pakaian mahal & branded kalau nk nmpak trendy & fashionable, am i right? so balik kepada topic fashion victim, pls buangkan perasaan membuak2 nk beli barangan branded from head to toe only for the sake nk nmpk trendy. if u guys feels so, u are totally wrong. If u guys mmg kaya raya, in this case, mmg u guys patut pun beli branded items. Sape xsuka pkai branded kan? i sendiri pun gila branded stuffs. Tapi fashion victim yg i maksudkan skrg is the one yg nk berfesyen tp xpandai then sanggup habiskan duit beratus-ratus & beribu2 perhaps utk nk beli brg2 branded sbb terlalu obses dgn fashion.
Persoalannya di sini, berbaloi ke especially utk teenagers + IPT students. Kadang2 habis duit PTPTN smata2 bershopping. Jgn mcm tu. Tak semestinya brg tu branded je kita nmpk hot n trendy. Kalau tak pandai nak begaya, even kita pakai brg tu beribu pun, nmpk mcm biasa je. Tp if kita pandai, benda semurah RM5 pun boleh nmpk trendy & mahal. Honestly, perception i pasal fashion mula berubah start i terjebak dgn dunia blogshop. Masa tu zaman kegemilangan vintage. igt tak? early 2009 i guess. Masa tu i gila vintage handbags! tapi taktau nk cari kt mana. Then try search2 dkat internet, then dptla jumpa 1 blogshop jual vintage handbags. Seronok sgt! then start dari situ mulalah gatal tgn search blogshop2 yg ada, then time tu jugak famous dgn Bijou bazaar. I pun pgila, bila dh pgi rasa mcm OMG bestnya!!! brg cantik-cantik + murahhh!! Start dari tu la, i mmg suka shopping online & shopping at bazaar..ape yg menarik, 1st of course la murah, then brg2 dia pun limited, susah nk cari kt tmpt lain, so bila limited, brg tu akan jadi exclusive..bila exclusive, brg2 murah pun akan nmpk mahal! trust me. Tp, yg penting mestila ada taste & we should create our own style. Tak salah kalau kita nk meniru fesyen org lain, tapi jgnlah COPY PASTE. Create our own style. Setiap org ada kelebihan masing2, so trust yourself. If kita suka something & kita rasa cantik bila kita pakai benda tu, so go for it. Jgn teragak2. Tp bak kata my lecturer, "nk berfesyen gila2 boleh. tapi janganlah sampai nampak odd!" Everything have to be in BALANCE!. So kenela beragak2. Dats y kene byk buat research. but sometimes if kita tersalah pakai, ter overdressed, its ok. people make mistake, so learn from our mistake. Only by doing that, we can be better. =)
So people out there, lpasni bolehla cuba ye..Tak semestinya blogshop or bazaar je. Its just anywhere. Kalau jumpa kedai2 baju biasa pun, pergila masuk jalan2. kadang2 ada baju2 yg cantik & sometime lebih cantik dr baju2 dkt butik2 mahal tu. So, jgn jadi fashion victim. Berfesyen x perlu sampai membebankan diri. All u need is CREATIVE THINKING. Go mix & match!
Oh, below are some pictures of Agyness Deyn, she's my inspiration. I love the way she express herself, totally different from others even she's a really famous fashion figure. This is what we call mix & match but still, its totally hot & stunnig ( from my point of view =p)




See, pakai T-shirt & legging pun dh nampak style sgt2 dah kan?
Oh before i forgot, di bawah ni ada 2 blog shoping directory.
So if u guys nk tau list blogshop2 seluruh Malaysia, u guys boleh tgk dkt blog kt bawah ni.
So kalau nk shopping online boleh buat byk pilihan. Actually, byk lag, but 2 web kt bawah ni my favourite!


So, stay tuned. I'll be back soon. Lepasni igt nk talk pasal makeup pulak. See u! Take care.
P/s: Your comments are most welcome dearies! =)
ape yg seronok tu bkn ape. Just, dgn menulis blog psl daily life akan buat kita lebih alert.. i mean if before ni sehari2 masa i terbuang mcmtu je, but now i am more alert. Pgi mana2 pun snap pic, then stiasa memorize ape yg nk tulis n cerita kt dlm blog ni so at the same time, sedar x sedar, i am actually appreciate every moment of my life..then, bila kita start menulis, kita mesti nk cari something fun & useful utk kita post kan? xkan nk tulis merepek, mencarut je..hahaa
so, dari situ kita pun akan start spending our time with more fun & useful things to do..xdela tido buang masa je...mcm2 lagilah..i am so happy to write! sbnarnye dh lama nk buat personal tulah,..belum sampai masa lagi..but now, i am writing! yeah baby yeah!! =)
ok..harini lpas class trus balik rumah..luckily harini xde test..postponed nextweek ..huhhh what a big relief! td xstudy ape2..hehe! smpi je kt bawah rumah ade org text nk beli dress, so trusla naik rumah packing dress tu then kluar balik nk pgi pos...oh, gigih x saya? xkisahla as long as my customer happy! =) lpas pgi pos brg, pgi bawak my baby snowy pgi shower...sian die..dh bminggu2 xbasuh dh comot2 die..haha! then last but not least, pgi drive thru mcD lagi!!! gila kan hari2 mkn mcD? muka pun dh jadik sbb dh mls nk pegi kedai mkn or whatever, drive thru jelah..nk masak?? so long! malas! haaha
Nah, sedikit gambar for today. Sorry gmbr xclear, snap guna reflection cermin je. kata blajar foto? haha padahal malas nk set self timer. Next time i will ok.
im wearing Blue leopard jacket from My Fashion's Closet.
Stil available, so go get it!! =D
nama die actually snow white. tp mcm pjg sgt. so jadila
my baby snowy. gedik kan? gedik pun gediklah! =p
BTW, what i wanna share with u guys today is some fashion opinion. Just an OPINION ok. If u guys rasa u guys xtau nk berfesyen, then the right thing u have to do is doing a lot of research. Xkira la ape bentuk research, thru magazine ke, fashion web ke or even tv series & film pun blh membantu. & ofcourse, practice make perfect. If we wanna be fashionable, kita kena berani mencuba. some people i met, they said "aku teringin nk pakai macam ni..macam tu..n macam2 la..tapi takut xkene, seganlah!" how?? kalau segan, xdapatla nk jadi fashionista! hehe.
i pun xdela pndai nk berfesyen sgt. but this based from my previous experience which is i mmg gila fashion. (that's y im taking degree in Fashion Design) tapi seriously dulu i penah jadi fashion victim. U guys tau x ape tu fashion victim? for me, fashion victim ni org yg sgt suka berfesyen tapi dia sendiri taktau how to look or be fashionable. they don't have the right term to describe it. Some says if u wanna look fashionable go for big brand, Prada, Gucci, Channel, LV and bla bla bla..or for teenagers, brand yg sgt hot is GUESS, i guess? hehe & some other brand like Armani Exchange, CK or even Topshop, MNG, Zara,Dorothy Perkins, Forever21 & so on...Yes, pakai brg branded will bulid up our confidence level. tp x semestinya pakai pakaian mahal & branded kalau nk nmpak trendy & fashionable, am i right? so balik kepada topic fashion victim, pls buangkan perasaan membuak2 nk beli barangan branded from head to toe only for the sake nk nmpk trendy. if u guys feels so, u are totally wrong. If u guys mmg kaya raya, in this case, mmg u guys patut pun beli branded items. Sape xsuka pkai branded kan? i sendiri pun gila branded stuffs. Tapi fashion victim yg i maksudkan skrg is the one yg nk berfesyen tp xpandai then sanggup habiskan duit beratus-ratus & beribu2 perhaps utk nk beli brg2 branded sbb terlalu obses dgn fashion.
Persoalannya di sini, berbaloi ke especially utk teenagers + IPT students. Kadang2 habis duit PTPTN smata2 bershopping. Jgn mcm tu. Tak semestinya brg tu branded je kita nmpk hot n trendy. Kalau tak pandai nak begaya, even kita pakai brg tu beribu pun, nmpk mcm biasa je. Tp if kita pandai, benda semurah RM5 pun boleh nmpk trendy & mahal. Honestly, perception i pasal fashion mula berubah start i terjebak dgn dunia blogshop. Masa tu zaman kegemilangan vintage. igt tak? early 2009 i guess. Masa tu i gila vintage handbags! tapi taktau nk cari kt mana. Then try search2 dkat internet, then dptla jumpa 1 blogshop jual vintage handbags. Seronok sgt! then start dari situ mulalah gatal tgn search blogshop2 yg ada, then time tu jugak famous dgn Bijou bazaar. I pun pgila, bila dh pgi rasa mcm OMG bestnya!!! brg cantik-cantik + murahhh!! Start dari tu la, i mmg suka shopping online & shopping at bazaar..ape yg menarik, 1st of course la murah, then brg2 dia pun limited, susah nk cari kt tmpt lain, so bila limited, brg tu akan jadi exclusive..bila exclusive, brg2 murah pun akan nmpk mahal! trust me. Tp, yg penting mestila ada taste & we should create our own style. Tak salah kalau kita nk meniru fesyen org lain, tapi jgnlah COPY PASTE. Create our own style. Setiap org ada kelebihan masing2, so trust yourself. If kita suka something & kita rasa cantik bila kita pakai benda tu, so go for it. Jgn teragak2. Tp bak kata my lecturer, "nk berfesyen gila2 boleh. tapi janganlah sampai nampak odd!" Everything have to be in BALANCE!. So kenela beragak2. Dats y kene byk buat research. but sometimes if kita tersalah pakai, ter overdressed, its ok. people make mistake, so learn from our mistake. Only by doing that, we can be better. =)
So people out there, lpasni bolehla cuba ye..Tak semestinya blogshop or bazaar je. Its just anywhere. Kalau jumpa kedai2 baju biasa pun, pergila masuk jalan2. kadang2 ada baju2 yg cantik & sometime lebih cantik dr baju2 dkt butik2 mahal tu. So, jgn jadi fashion victim. Berfesyen x perlu sampai membebankan diri. All u need is CREATIVE THINKING. Go mix & match!
Oh, below are some pictures of Agyness Deyn, she's my inspiration. I love the way she express herself, totally different from others even she's a really famous fashion figure. This is what we call mix & match but still, its totally hot & stunnig ( from my point of view =p)




See, pakai T-shirt & legging pun dh nampak style sgt2 dah kan?
Oh before i forgot, di bawah ni ada 2 blog shoping directory.
So if u guys nk tau list blogshop2 seluruh Malaysia, u guys boleh tgk dkt blog kt bawah ni.
So kalau nk shopping online boleh buat byk pilihan. Actually, byk lag, but 2 web kt bawah ni my favourite!


So, stay tuned. I'll be back soon. Lepasni igt nk talk pasal makeup pulak. See u! Take care.
P/s: Your comments are most welcome dearies! =)
Going out for McD
haha. today the whole day duduk rumah. My BF yg comel tu (comel ke? hee) pgi berlawan bola sepak, then pgi gig lah, here ia am..dudukla rumah ye..duduk rumah, berehat yer kawan2..bukan nk buat work yg menggunung tinggi dgn asessment & final exam yg dah dihujung tanduk...oh noo.....pls wake up nora...wake up!!!!!!!! hopefully everything will be just fine...jgnla buat no no!
btw, sbb duduk rumah xtau nk buat ape..then mulala nk merepek2. i get my nails coloured..haha gedik. red color yer kwn2..feeling2 hot..agagagaa....then tgk ABP, mcm agak bosanla ABP..maybe sbb tiap2 thn pun bnda yg sama so...mmg bosan & im not really interested. Abis je ABP, ade customer tgu kt bawah rumah nak ambik baju..wah bisnes smpi ke tgh mlm. Alhamdulillah, rezeki dari Allah jugak. Syukur teramat syukur dgn segalanya. but still, skrg ni i am so worried dgn assignments yg melambak2 plus at the same time nk kene kejar test la, presentation la, pre assesment & most important thing, FINAL ASESSMENT on 3rd dying!!!.. i know its all my fault...just because of that stupid problems, i drag everything till i don't know where to start back...all i can do is just, work hard. really2 hard. i hope i can make it..
whatever it is, i wanna share with u guys some of my photos today. =)
im wearing smoking girl shirt, legging + big flower ring!
as simple as i can. nk kuar ke Mc D thru pulak.haha
but then i still wanna look fashionable. so dats y pkai dat big ring.
trust me, with fancy ring, boleh buat kita nmpk trendy, even if kita pkai as simple as posible.
so, cubalah! go for DIVA, Accesorize & Forever21.
All their accecories sgt fancy & stylo. =p
fashionable ke?
haha, long as i love what am i wearing.
p/s: ramai yg nak baju ni but sorry guys. stocks really limited.
dah sold out.. =(
btw, sbb duduk rumah xtau nk buat ape..then mulala nk merepek2. i get my nails coloured..haha gedik. red color yer kwn2..feeling2 hot..agagagaa....then tgk ABP, mcm agak bosanla ABP..maybe sbb tiap2 thn pun bnda yg sama so...mmg bosan & im not really interested. Abis je ABP, ade customer tgu kt bawah rumah nak ambik baju..wah bisnes smpi ke tgh mlm. Alhamdulillah, rezeki dari Allah jugak. Syukur teramat syukur dgn segalanya. but still, skrg ni i am so worried dgn assignments yg melambak2 plus at the same time nk kene kejar test la, presentation la, pre assesment & most important thing, FINAL ASESSMENT on 3rd dying!!!.. i know its all my fault...just because of that stupid problems, i drag everything till i don't know where to start back...all i can do is just, work hard. really2 hard. i hope i can make it..
whatever it is, i wanna share with u guys some of my photos today. =)
as simple as i can. nk kuar ke Mc D thru pulak.haha
but then i still wanna look fashionable. so dats y pkai dat big ring.
trust me, with fancy ring, boleh buat kita nmpk trendy, even if kita pkai as simple as posible.
so, cubalah! go for DIVA, Accesorize & Forever21.
All their accecories sgt fancy & stylo. =p
fashionable ke?
haha, long as i love what am i wearing.
p/s: ramai yg nak baju ni but sorry guys. stocks really limited.
dah sold out.. =(
Sunday, April 4, 2010
today im spending my day by doing NOTHING. i repeat once again. DOING NOTHING. Oh M G.
apa nak jadi. kerja menimbun nk kena settle but still im doing nothing.........i need hardworking pills, siapa ada?? i extremely need it..ohh lazy..lazy me...
apa nak jadi. kerja menimbun nk kena settle but still im doing nothing.........i need hardworking pills, siapa ada?? i extremely need it..ohh lazy..lazy me...
Welcome =)

At last, i am officially created my own personal blog after a long time blogging for business.
Well, hello readers! no matter where & who u are hello! 1st of all, im generally will write my post in bahasa Melayu + some english = rojak la =p ...sbb xlarat nk menyusun bahasa.. so, lets get it started! haha.
Actually sebelum ni x tefikir pun nk blogging for personal purpose. tp lpas dh hampir 2 tahun buat blogshop, terdetik nak buat personal blog so that lebih byk yg boleh kita kongsi. as a blogshop owner, i do have a lot of contacts around Malaysia, i do dealing with a lots of people & i believe ramai yg kenal i kt luar sana, i mean knal i through my blogshop ok.hehe. tp i don't have much time to get to know u guys. Actually masa mula2 i created My Fashion's Closet dulu, i xpernah terfikir yg my blog akan pergi sejauh ni. Alhamdulillah rezeki dari Tuhan, my blog smakin bekembang & makin ramai org yg dh kenal dgn My Fashion's Closet & to my followers & regular customer all around the world (around malaysia je kot.heee), i do appreciate your support guys. love u! =)
So hopefully after this, dgn adanya my personal blog ni, i do hope we can get to know each other better. Actually i buat blog ni bkn utk nk bercerita mengenai my life which i consider it as a very personal things to share with everyone. Tp my blog ni lebih kpd nk share my experiences & interest with u guys out there, & of course more towards fashion or anything helpful i can share with u. Whatever it is, wait until my next post........
i'll see u soon! =)
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